Saturday, July 21, 2012

Please, Correct Me If I'm Wrong

THE TRAGEDY IN COLORADO has everyone talking. People are running the gamut of emotions. One person on Facebook believes we should set the shooter in front of a firing squad and televise his execution. When I suggested that the shooter is sick and in need of mental health assistance, this person basically said I was a pansy and being "politically correct" or something to that effect.

People are all about stricter gun laws. Probably a good idea, although I believe, if a criminal wants a gun, he's going to get one. Despite our laws, there is an entire subculture (possessing a barge-ful of contraband) that could give a rat's ass about the mandates of the land.

While there is no easy solution to the halting of senseless violence, I think the most heartbreaking comments are the ones where people believe humanity is on a downward spiral and that things are only going to get worse. This kind of woe-ism isn't healthy or accurate.

I spent many years incarcerated behind the metal bars of my own mental illness. I saw my entire world through the spectacle of anxiety and depression. I lived in fear of the "inevitable." Anxiety had me convinced that my life and the lives of my loved ones would end in violence. Depression had me convinced that avoidance was the solution. And there was no hope because things were only going to get worse.

Now, the bars have been opened and I'm free of what debilitated me for the first three decades of my life. So when I read or hear those, "the world is going to hell in a hand basket" statements, I cringe. They're not true and they just reinforce a collective sense of hopelessness.

The events at the Colorado movie theater were horrific and traumatic and my heart goes out to everyone involved, including the shooter who is clearly incarcerated behind his own bars of mental illness.

But the world is still a good place. Although all of us are subject to our own selfishness at times, I believe humanity is by and large, still decent, caring and giving. Just look at how the fellow movie goers tended to the wounded.

During times of sadness, I believe it's good to remember how lucky we are to be alive, to see blue sky, to feel the warmth of the sun, the coolness of a breeze, to experience the comfort of our loved one's arms around us. To believe that our neighbors would be there if we needed them just as we'd be there for them. In other words, to believe that humanity is still worthy of our devotion and trust. We can't let a tragedy take that away from us.

Your thoughts?  

*        *        * 

On a lighter and totally unrelated note, friends and I attended the
Salem Art & Air Festival yesterday. 
I had to get a photo of this vintage-esque snack cart. 
Isn't it just colorful and fun? 


  1. That is a fun snack cart....I tend to agree that we cannot give up on humanity...we have to pur in more love not less, more empathy not me a pathetic, liberal or whatever else, but I do not like guns...I was most upset at the Governor who thought if they movie goers had guns God how much more can we kill each I will love instead...our actions either show our love or that we are in need of love...

  2. Hi Grace, I agree with your thoughts about the young man who did this horrible deed. I think he is sick. Also agree that we need to look for the good in all around us.
    Glad your own mental health was attended to and you are now free of the bars that debilitated you. Depression is more common than folks realize, but treatable.

  3. We must continue to see the good as our Creator continues to see the good in ain't over till He says so!

    Truly a sad event ...

    Looking forward to reading more about the festival!

  4. The snack cart has wonderful signs.
    In times of tragedy I want to hold on even tighter to my faith, trusting he loves us and knowing I love Him. Attend any church service and hear about all the good works that people do, that don't get in the news.

  5. Guns make me cringe. Despite this, I live in a house with guns and a man who likes guns. Although, we don't have semi-automatic rifles and guns that are designed to fight in intense battles here. I don't think the folks that wrote the second ammendment had those kind of guns in mind.

    Ed thinks that part of the solution would be to drastically raise the price of the bullets. That way, you know that people who buy bullets are truly buying them only to protect themselves.

  6. I feel the same discomfort with the remarks like "what's the world coming to" and "things are only going to get worse" when a tragedy like this happens. Like you, I'm impressed with the way people helped each other amid the chaos. I try to have faith that most people will let their goodness shine forth. Am praying for mercy on all involved.

  7. Hi Grace,
    I was surprised to hear you have had problems with depression. You are one of the most upbeat, cheerful seeming people I know. I have had mild depression most of my life. I was on medication, I think, Paxil for awhile, but it made my body shake and tremble. I've had some counseling, too, and was told to read Happiness is a Choice. I start to read it from time to time, but set it down, and don't remember to keep going with it. I'm thankful God gives me strength for each day, though.

    Even though criminals find ways around laws, I feel that if it is harder to obtain automatic weapons, lives could be saved.

    Part of me was thinking they should have made the guy go back to his apartment and take apart his booby traps. I suppose evidence could have been destroyed in the process, though.

  8. Unfortunately for all of us, the news media concentrates and lives for bad news, and pounds it into our lives whether we want to hear it or not, because it is everywhere.

    My heart goes out to all those involved. It is a horrific nightmare. His family must be devastated.

    When I first saw the picture of the gunman, I thought his eyes are not sound, he is sick.

    May we all look to see beauty in our lives each and every day, and be thankful for our many blessings.

    Dear Grace ~ You are such an encouraging, inspiring lady that it's hard to picture you having gone through so much depression in your life.

    Have a great week.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  9. I am really happy that you are in a good place now Grace.
    I love the fruit cart, reminds me of a cart in Arkansas that has the most amazing snow cones, the ice is really as light as snow and I am in heaven going there.
    I was so saddened by the shootings. I do wonder at the wisdom of having those military weapons available for sale to the public but I also realize that a person bent on violence can make weapons or even use, like the man in Texas, a car to drive into a crowd and cause casualties. I would like to see mental health care addressed and accessed easier by people who need it. My family went through a horrible family tragedy less than a year ago and when you have violence hit that close to home, well I saw the world as a much more dangerous place but I hope to be more trustful of people in the future and I do believe that most people are good and caring for one another.

  10. I think the only thing that has changed in the crazy quilt of life is the news cycle which brings into our consciousness every bad thing that ever happens, world-wide. You are quite right to insist on optimism, and quite brave to fill us in on a past overcome, leading to one of the sanest persons I know.

  11. It seems that each generation believes things are worse than they were "when we were young". Events like this one apparently give them evidence to promote that point of view. But I just don't believe it. There will always be sick people who commit horrific crimes - we can hear about it instantaneously now, that's the difference.

    Thank you for your thoughtful and restrained approach to the subject, Grace, and for sharing your history as a corollary to your point of view. Peace.

  12. "During times of sadness, I believe it's good to remember how lucky we are to be alive...", and be thankful for positive friends like you. A great reminder, Grace, to cast much of the negativism aside, as tough as it is at times.

  13. Hi Grace, Thank you for your candid post.

    I wonder what might happen if we disallowed television "news reporters" the ability to bring to light such horrific happenings and allowed them to dwell on only the positive, successful actions and venues that might truly give people hope for the future?

    Just a question. Love you! SG

  14. I too was surprised to read that you were depressed. By your writings, I would never have guessed that. As for the man who did the killings, I really have nothing to say. It was a tragedy in every respect.


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